Article title: Cointreau Liqueur 700ml

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Liqueur Cointreau. The orange flavor of Cointreau is due to the bitter variety of the Caribbean Bigarade, the sweet Comuna, Cadanera, Salustiana from Spain and the rich aromatic Pera essential oils from Brazil. The harvest becomes the best for each variety season, and then the oranges are peeled by hand. The precious peels are dried in the sun except those of Pera until they become copper green. They will then be sent to the Angers distillery where another meticulous selection will be made, while the fresh peels will be soaked in alcohol for several weeks to release all their aromas. The Great Distiller, the protagonist, then has the floor. The ancient recipe comes from the treasuries and the proportions are observed with religious reverence. The real mystagogy takes place in the field of distillation. Twelve copper abysses, because copper and only copper contribute to the high quality of the final result, they shine and fill the atmosphere with warmth and aromas. The monitoring of the process is on a 24-hour basis because the drink must always have a consistent quality, since it has established it for a century.