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Article title: Monin Lavender 700ml

Monin Lavender 700ml

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Syrup Monin Lavender 700ml. The light purple, heavenly scented lavender fields of Provence, France, come to mind. Most people associate lavender with its uses in perfume and aromatherapy. Lavender has been used for millennia, at least since the Roman Empire. A lovely flower used for many decorative items, lavender is a great accent in many recipes from entrees to desserts. Monin Lavender features a beautiful colour and distinctive aroma to remind you of the colours and scents of Provence. Monin Lavender is part of Monin’s unique bouquet of floral flavours that also includes Jasmine, Rose and Violet. All Monin florals are ideal to impart fresh floral aromas to a surprising variety of specialty beverages and foods.

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