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Article title: Monin Agave 700ml

Monin Agave 700ml

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Syrup Monin Agave 700mlAgave is a plant of the amaryllis family, which includes over 200 recognized species. Agave nectar is a high quality sweetener produced in Mexico from various types of Agave. This nectar is usually obtained from Agave Tequilana which is also known as blue agave. Produced from the juice of the kernel of the agave plant. Monin organic agave comes from high quality agave nectar and is specially formulated to dissolve instantly in hot and cold beverages. Agave has become so popular in recent years because of its low glycemic index. It has also become the "must" material for all bartenders, thanks to its full and unique taste. Monin agave is a certified organic agave and is made without additives and preservatives.

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