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Article title: Game Of Thrones Talisker Select Reserve - House Greyjoy 700ml

Game Of Thrones Talisker Select Reserve - House Greyjoy 700ml

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Whisky Game Of Thrones Talisker Select Reserve House Greyjoy. Part of the Game of Thrones Single Malts Collection, there is nothing grey about this Talisker, with its golden copper colour provided by the use of heavily charred, ex-Bourbon American Oak casks less grey, more joy in this amazing bottle of whisky. With the Greyjoys rulers of the Iron Islands, the coastal Talisker distillery on the Isle of Skye is a perfect pairing though we're yet to see a kraken there. The nose is quintessentially Talisker with the signature notes of dry peppery smoke and dark chocolate. On the palate the flavor explodes with salted caramel and chili flakes with an underlying peppery smoke. The long, complex finish is layers of fruit cake and the dry spice of the pepper continues with a lasting hint of leather.

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