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Article title: Aged Raki 700ml, Parparoussis

Aged Raki 700ml, Parparoussis

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Aged Raki Parparoussis

Produced by Sideritis grapes ripen late November. The selection of grapes for distillation is different from the wine grapes. When it comes to distilling Winery unripe grapes with high acidity and low sugar. So we ferment very clear to odors. The product produced is very fine secondary aromas (anthostomia) which contributes to the creation of excellent distillate. The distillation is done in Amvika with a single distillation which separate the first (head), the last (tail) and keep the middle (heart). The we age for twelve years in new French Limousin oak barrels. At the stage of aging highlights the complexity of the product. So we deliver the pleasure of the consumer.

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