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Article title: Azul Mediterraneo - Dry

Azul Mediterraneo - Dry

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Azul Mediterraneo Dry - Blue Wine

Casa Vital

Dry, Mild, White, Chardonnay 100%

Azul Mediterraneo the new blue wine is dedicated and made as a tribute to the blue Mediterranean sea for its beautiful blue colour. Is a revolution idea and brings passion to your life and your party. Azul Mediterráneo is made from chardonnay grapes, and it is blue thanks to a natural pigment called anthocyanin. This pigment is extracted from the skin of blue grapes and is mixed with the broth until the chardonnay grape colour that characterizes Azul Mediterraneo.The secret to the colour is the anthocyanins which is found directly under the skin of the blue grapes. We add this in a complicated natural prosses. Anthocyanins is rich on antioxidants.

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